The beginning and day one, the light and God’s name from Genesis 1:1-5 commented by ASV and questions

שלום חברי

God’s name

There is only one God, And His name is YHWH, and some scholars state that at the time of Moses the only vowel that existed in the Hebrew alphabet was an a the name of God would then be YaHaWaH, and He is the only God and He always works together with His son, and His spirit. However, because there are no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet, and we have no sounds of course from the time of Moses, the correct pronunciation of the name of God with certainty is not possible to know. However, in contrast to the LORD being used as the name of God, I am going to use the Hebrew name YaHaWaH as the name of God instead of “the LORD” which is not a name but a title. Where we find “THE LORD” in The Old Testament the Hebrew text is “YHWH” and is written 5000 times there.


Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, and here in the first verse, Moses uses the word Elohim for God, it is plural suggesting that all three, the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit, did the creation. Elohim is not necessarily the only God, but in this case, it is, spelling Elohim with the capital letter E. However, generally elohim expresses what governs, if money governs our life, money is our elohim.

The beginning

God created from nothing the heavens and the earth, first it was just a hunk of raw material, deep water, and the darkness was a veil cowering it all, nothing could be seen, but God and the Word were there, and the Spirit was hovering over the waters. Then God started it all by creating the light, so all His armies of angles could witness the creation. The light lit it all up and they saw what was going on.

The Word

God used His Words, which is Jesus, to create everything (John 1:3, Hebrews 1:2, and 11:3), that’s why God said: “Let there be light”. now God could see and examine the light, and God saw that it did what it was supposed to do, and concluded that it was good.

The light, no moon, no sun, and no stars

Before the light came, the darkness ruled, but when the light came God made it rule both the day and the night. Then there was evening and morning the first day. The darkness was there, the light was created, the evening and the morning became reality and we had the first day. God created the light, the night and the day, however at that point, in creation, there were no sun, no moon, and no stars. The light, the day and night do not depend on the sun going down and coming up. Our feeling of time is linked to the sun going up and down, in fact, the sun is not going up and down, it is standing still, not moving at all. 

What we cannot see makes what we can see

The earth is spinning around itself in one day and circling around the sun in one year. This spinning and moving of the earth are giving us the timing of days, weeks, months, springtime, summer, autumn and winter. All timing God created without the sun, God does not need anything physical to create things. It is the other way around, all the physical need the none-physical to be created. What we cannot see, makes what we can see (Hebrews 11:3)


  1. Why is the name of God YHWH?
  2. Why is Moses using Elohim for God?
  3. What does it mean to be God?
  4. How did God create the light?
  5. What made the first day?
  6. What makes the day and the night appear as they do?
  7. What makes summer, autumn, winter, and spring come as they do?
  8. What are physical things and what are none-physical things?


  1. Happy new year to you from my family, we the children Yolanda and Natalia say thank you for doing new year for us sir God will bless you and your family in every good thing that you and you are family are praying for you people will receive it in this new year 2019, every good things that you have be doing for the Lord and for the people to know God through you and through your message God will bless you and in charity that you are be doing to me and my family God will always bless you, your cup will never dry enough will full over, in Jesus’s name AMEN :we pray for Good health will be upon you and your family and your grand children In Jesus’s name AMEN


  2. The name of God is YHWH? Because when we read the Hebrews in the beginning, we will find the latter A they normally used to make the sound of the word to be pronoun by adding the latter A to it (YHWH) then we will get the full pronounce YAHAWAH.


  3. Moses used Elohim as GOD? Because here are many gods using as Elohim, but for our main GOD that created the heaven and the earth, is still referred as Elohim the God of the father of the son and of the holy spirit.(Gen1:26).


  4. God is above all? He is the Alpha and the omega the Beginning and the end, existing forever he is the Almighty the omnipotent, the Ruler of all (lsa 9:6).


  5. The spinning and also moving of the earth, they give us our time the days, weeks, months the springtime, summer, autumn and winter.


  6. Our physical things is what we can see in physical “, for example in Genesis 2 GOD Almighty form everything’s that he has created to be seen in physical. None-physical is what we can not see, like our realm in spirit we cannot see it. For example in Genesis 1 everything’s that GOD Almighty created all were in the realm of the spirit (Heb11:1).


  7. The truth in us is like the light of God inside us. When you are with God the darkness is under your feet.


  8. In Genesis 1 :5 GOD called the light day, the light makes the day for us. And the darkness he called night. In Genesis 1:2 the darkness was upon the face of the deep covered the unformed earth.


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